Tools for discipleship by connecting Your

Church with Small Business





Gdirect provides you with comprehensive products and services that are easy, hassle-free and fully integrated into your ongoing organization. We work hand-in-hand with a “Directory Champion” addressing all of your needs and concerns, requiring only limited resources from your staff.  Gdirect powers all materials, approaches, technical support and training in the production of your high-quality Business Directory.  We continually promote your Business Directory, connecting the world with Christians and Christian businesses.





The purpose of the Church Business Directory is:
1.  To identify and recruit the business leaders and owners within the church’s congregation;
2.  To provide a ministry opportunity to business leaders and owners teaching biblical principles of managing
          a business.
3.  To promote community by connecting individuals with Christian businesses providing a forum to utilize the
          products and services of other members who strive to adhere to God's principles. 
4.  To promote outreach though connecting Christian businesses with others.
Annual printed directory
*  Branded to the local Church
*  High quality print
Web-based directory
*  Micro-site branded to the local Church
*  Linked to Church’s website
*  Updated in real-time
*  User friendly
Advertising Vehicle for Christian Businesses
*  Hassle-Free online sign-up
*  Increased visability through upgraded ad presence
*  Economical lead generator
No Disputes
*  All Businesses in the directory are required to execute  a “Dispute Resolution” proclamation.
*  Dispute Resolution Process is presented by a certified PEACEMAKERS® instructor  and is consistent
        with Matthew 18.
No Endorsement, No Liability
*  All businesses agree that the Church and Gdirect will not endorse, promote or be responsible for their performance.
*  All businesses indemnify & hold harmless the Church and Gdirect.
Engaging the Congregation
*  Continuously connect the congregation to member businesses.
*  Quarterly reminders to the congregation to consider using the businesses in the directory.
*  Consistent reminders to consider sharing the directory with friends and neighbors that might need business services.






Gdirect will publish your high-quality, church -specific Business Directory at no cost to your Church. The Directory promotes biblically-based commerce within your church. We have had as many as 500 businesses advertise in a Directory, providing you with a great resource for your congregation to conduct business.





Gdirect will power your church-specific web-based Business Directory at no cost to your church.  Access to the Directory’s web site will be from a direct access portal located on your website.  Your church will receive valuable statistical data resulting from the use of your Directory. 



For more details please contact
Tom Bradburn



Gdirect Companies    17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Scottsdale, AZ  85255

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